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  Organisational Structure

The programme is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).


SGP at the Global Level

Central Programme Management Team (CPMT)

A small team in headquarters provides global oversight to SGP's global operations and decentralized country programmes. CPMT comprises a Global Manager, a Deputy Global Manager, Programme Advisors on the GEF focal areas, a Programme Specialist for knowledge management, and 2 Programme Associates. Together they provide global supervision and day-to-day programmatic and operational guidance to over 125 participating countries.

The SGP Global Manager and Deputy Global Manager are responsible for overall SGP management, strategic direction, and policy development. CPMT staff are responsible for regional coordination and support country programmes on substantive and technical matters related to focal areas and thematic directions, capacity and partnership development, knowledge management and communications, and monitoring and evaluation.

Learn more about SGP global programme



SGP at the Country Level

At the national and local levels, SGP operates in a decentralized and country-driven manner through country programme teams composed of a National Coordinator (NC), often a Programme Assistant (PA), and a National Steering Committee (NSC) in each participating country. SGP country programmes are hosted primarily by UNDP Country Offices, but also by national host institutions (NHI).

National Country Teams

Each country programme has a locally recruited National Coordinator (NC), and a Programme Assistant (PA) who are responsible for managing country programme implementation and for ensuring that grants and projects meet GEF and SGP criteria. The NC also serves as secretary to the NSC and acts as liaison with the local government, UNDP and all other key stakeholders at the local level.

NC's major functions inter alia include:

  • assissting CSOs in the formulation of project proposals,
  • serving as the ex officio secretart for the NSC,
  • ensuring sound programme monitoring and evaluation, including periodic project site visits,
  • resource mobilization,
  • communication and dissemination of SGP information, and
  • global reporting to CPMT, UNOPS, responding to audits, etc.


Country Programme Strategy (CPS)

Each participating country develops a country programme strategy, which adapts the SGP global strategic framework to specific country conditions. SGP country strategies take into account existing national environmental strategies and plans, as well as those relating to national development and poverty eradication. Through the CPS, the country is able to put emphasis on certain thematic and geographic areas to ensure synergy and impact, as well as to facilitate programme administration. (CPS document)

National Steering Committee (NSC)

All SGP country programmes have a voluntary National Steering Committee (NSC), which is the central element of SGP and provides the major substantive contribution to and oversight of the programme. The NSC is Chaired by the Representative from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia, and members comprised are majority of civil society organizations, as well as representatives of the government, UNDP CO, the academia, indigenous peoples' organizations, the private sector and the media.

The NSC helps develop the Country Programme Strategy (CPS), considers whether proposals for grants are feasible and meet SGP criteria, and what kind of technical support is needed for implementation. It is also responsible for the final approval of grants, undertaking monitoring and evaluation visits to the projects, providing advice, ensuring proper monitoring and evaluation, helping extract, share and replicate successful SGP projects and practice and promoting SGP at the national and international level.



The UNDP CO provides management support to the SGP country programme. The UNDP Resident Representative (RR) assigns a senior staff person to serve as the SGP focal point and participates in the NSC. Besides, UNDP CO also contributes to monitoring programme acticities - usually through broad oversight by the designate focal point as part of the NSC responsibilities; facilitates interaction with the government; and develops links with other in-country financial and technical resources. The UNDP CO is also responsible for providing operational support - the RR signature of grant project MOAs (on behalf of UNOPS); appointment letters to NSC members (on behalf of SGP); local grant disbursements; HR administration; as well as assisting in audit exervises for the programme.

Learn more about UNDP Malaysia

Learn more about the GEF.