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Expression of Interest
GEF SGP Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair
(Deadline: 10 March 2021)


  1. Background:
    The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides non-governmental and community-based organizations (NGOs/CBOs) in developing countries with grants to enable them to tackle climate change, conserve biodiversity, protect international waters, reduce the impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and other critical chemicals (i.e. mercury), and prevent land degradation. SGP [insert SGP Country name] was opened in [insert year date] and started financing projects in [insert year date]. Since then, it has succeeded in funding and providing technical support for more than [insert number] grantee projects. The Programme is a GEF corporate programme, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS.

    The Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair is an important modality which aims to meet the capacity building objective of the programme, i.e. enhancing and strengthening capacities of NGOs/CBOs to understand and implement convention guidelines, engage in consultative processes, apply knowledge management to ensure information flows, and monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends. It is a key activity designed to support networking and knowledge exchange among SGP grantees as well as other CSOs and the public to promote replication and scaling up of projects and best practices. It is also expected to strengthen the capacity of civil society to influence policy development processes through participation in events that draw in influential individuals and institutions. To maximize its impact and promote mainstreaming of SGP results, the Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair can be held in conjunction with other national conferences and events (e.g. Environment Month, Earth Day, Independence Day, etc).

    Note:  Given the comprehensiveness of the activities to be supported by the Fair and the expected outcomes, a proponent NGO/CSO is not required to be capable of preparing for and implementing all the activities and achieving the outcomes on its own. A proponent NGO/CSO can be the “organizer” and various activities can be prepared and implemented by partner NGOs/CSOs or persons most capable to do the tasks required and in such case these partner organizations and persons should be identified in the proposal.


  1. Objectives:
    The purpose of the Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair is to enable SGP grantees and other CSO stakeholders to network, share and showcase best practices, innovative technologies and lessons learned developed by the civil society to promote the replication and scaling up of results for greater policy influence and transformational change; as well as to promote sustainability and the mobilization of additional resources for community-based sustainable development initiatives.

    Specific objectives: 
  • Knowledge exchange between NGOs/CBOs working to address global environment issues to raise awareness and facilitate replication and scaling up of best practices and innovation.
  • Promote and strengthen partnerships among all concerned stakeholders such as local communities, NGOs/CBOs/CSOs, government and local authorities, academic and research institutions, the private sector, international donors and development agencies.
  • Influence the public policy agenda with the experience of SGP and other relevant CSO work.
  • Promote the replication and scaling up of successful projects and best practices, including community-based methodologies and technology, of SGP and other community-based and non-governmental entities.
  • Create a wide and broad-based network of communities and CSOs -including their supporters- that can serve as an active constituency for positive dialogue with the government on sustainable development planning and policy making at the national level.
  • Provide on-going capacity building for implementation, management and monitoring.
  • Provide capacity building on effective communication and fundraising.



  1. Timing:
    The Capacity Building must take place from June 2021 to October 2022, and
     The Knowledge Fair(s) must take place before October 2022.

    The duration of the Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair(s) shall be based on the objectives, you can choose to make 1 fair over a number of days, or a few fairs (i.e. one per year) or regional fairs depending on what makes more sense to achieve the objective, the budget, and how much co-financing you can raise. Please note that the fair should be several days enough to meet the objectives. Whereas the capacity building can be on-going based on the needs of the grantees.

    Final Report of Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair activities and outputs, as well as financial report on the use of funds should be submitted no longer than 1 month after the end of the fair.


  1. Budget:
    The ceiling will be as set by the SGP Country Programme (not to exceed $50,000 as the maximum SGP grant amount).   Detailed budget breakdown should be provided by proponent including all estimated costs of organizing the Capacity Building and Knowledge Fair, including travel of selected SGP grantees as well as others that have to be sponsored (especially those who will make presentations), venue, materials, expert support, supplies and equipment etc.). (Note: organizing the Fair in conjunction with other relevant national conferences and events can be a way to: (a) secure co-financing, and (b) to benefit from cost saving, for example in reducing the cost of travel of participants).
  2. Project Duration: 18 Months
  3. Application Process:
    1. Provide Organisation’s Profile and send through email) to SGP National Coordinator ( by 10 March 2021.
    2. National Coordinator will schedule meeting discussion with the potential organization.
    3. Proponent will develop full proposal with guidance from National Coordinator.
    4. Proposal will be reviewed by SGP National Steering Committee.


To obtain more details on SGP and guidelines for application, please contact:

Lee Shin Shin (Ms)
National Coordinator
GEF Small Grants Programme - Malaysia

Nurul Fitrah Mohd Ariffin Marican (Ms)
Programme Assistant