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  Project Started in 2003
No. Project Title Grantees Focal Area

A Local Community Initiative on the Conservation of the Environment and the Sustainable Us of Natural Resources of the Main Range Watershed and Water Catchment Areas in Perak

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Perak Consumers' Association Biodiversity

Capacity Building of Local Jakun Communities at Tanjong Keruing in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Orchids and Practice of Sustainable Livelihoods

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Foundation For Community Studies And Development Biodiversity

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agro-Biodiversity- An Integrated Pilot Project on Rice Farming in Sarawak

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The Foundation For Agriculture, Environment And Education Biodiversity

Developing Community-based Ecotourism for the Indigenous Semelai Community in a Wetland Area of International Importance-Tasek Bera, Pahang: Phase II, Enhancing the Skills and Capacity of SABOT (Semelai Association for Boating and Tourism) to Promote, Implement and Manage their own Eco-tourism Enterprises

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Wetlands International-Malaysia Programme Biodiversity

Forest Management in Kiau: A Community Based Approach to Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Use and Management

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Pertubuhan Masyarakat Kampung Kiau Nuluh, Kota Belud, Sabah Biodiversity

Increasing Awarenes and Building the Capacity of Urban Malaysians on Sustainable Energy Options

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Centre For Environment, Technology And Development Climate Change

Pilot Project on Forging Urban Community Links to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

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Treat Every Environment Special Sdn. Bhd. Biodiversity

Promoting Demonstrational Plots for Medicinal Plants and Herbs Biodiversity and their related Traditional Knowledge

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Institute For Development Studies (Sabah) Biodiversity

Returning a Malaysian Heritage of Giant Clams to Johore Island

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Centre For Marine & Coastal Studies Biodiversity

Sustaining the Mangrove Ecosystem Biodiversity in Providing Sustainable Livelihood for Local Communities in Sematan, Sarawak

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Kampung Trusan Jaya Development And Scurity Committee Multifocal Area