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Call for Proposals – ICCAs Projects
(Deadline: 10 January 2021)

“COVID-19 support to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and fishing communities (ICCAs) in Malaysia”

The Global Support Initiative for Indigenous Peoples and Community – Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCA-GSI) is a global project funded by the Government of Germany, through its Federal ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU), implemented by UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP).

The ICCA-GSI response to COVID-19 will support IPLCs to strengthen their short-term coping mechanisms as well as their long-term socio-ecological resilience. Grassroots actions and initiatives will build on indigenous self-determination principles, including indigenous food sovereignty, to nurture healthy, reciprocal relationships with the land, plants and animals, as well as with other producer organisations and networks. A balanced distribution between COVID-19 response projects supporting coping mechanisms, will be combined with a similar share of projects aiming to support long-term prevention of future pandemics.

In alignment with the SGP Country Programme Strategy (CPS) in Malaysia and relevant National COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan, applications from qualified organisations are invited to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. National and local civil society organisations (including community-based organisations, NGOs, and Indigenous Peoples organisations) are encouraged to apply based on the list of eligible criteria presented below. 

ICCA-GSI thematic categories

COVID-19 response: examples

Communication and lessons sharing through culturally appropriate means

Translating and communicating medical and sanitary information on COVID-19 into local and vernacular languages.

Food production systems: agroecology and agroforestry

Strengthening sustainable and biodiversity-friendly food production systems in ICCAs focused on agroecology and agroforestry techniques. 

Sustainable and well governed wildlife consumption

Promotion of sustainable and regulated wildlife consumption through good governance, customary regulation, and awareness raising.

Prevention of zoonoses and future pandemics

Strengthening of ICCAs to provide barriers for zoonotic disease transmission and habitat conservation through reduced fragmentation.

Transmission of traditional medical knowledge

Documentation and transmission of sustainable techniques for harvesting, quality control, and transmission of traditional medicinal practices.

Territorial mapping and demarcation for self-isolation and conservation

Mapping and demarcation to increase territorial zoning, self-isolation procedures, buffer zones and defence of conserved areas.

Local bio-circular economy approaches based on reciprocity


Income-generation activities, reciprocal food exchange networks, community-based ecotourism-based ventures, provision of food to at-risk populations, locally-made personal protective equipment.

Eligible Organisations

  • Locally registered non-for-profit Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
  • Organisation possess local registered bank account of the organisation.
  • Community Based Organisation (CBOs) are encouraged to apply through intermediary organisation who has the local organisation registration and bank account.
  • Organisation must have experiences working with indigenous communities, fishing communities and understand issues faced by indigenous peoples, understand the principle of ICCA and have working experiences at grassroots level.


  • Demonstrated commitment to protect and defend territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs);
  • Knowledge and awareness of biodiversity conservation efforts at the national level;
  • Experience in organizing and hosting consultations and capacity development activities with indigenous peoples and fishing communities;
  • Lead organisation must with capacity to produce high quality written reports according to deadlines;
  • Lead organisation must familiar with key issues related to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially as they relate to indigenous peoples and local communities, considered an advantage.


Grant Amount

The grant for the ICCA projects shall be a maximum of USD 50,000. It is advisable applicant request for grant based on the best estimated expenditures required to conduct proposed activities but not based on maximum amount. Applicants are required to submit a detailed budgetary estimate.

Project Duration: 18 months.

Deadline: 10 January 2021.

ONLY longlisted applicants will be notified for further development into a Full Project Proposal.


Call for Concept Proposals Documents


To obtain more details on SGP and guidelines for application, please contact:

Lee Shin Shin (Ms)
National Coordinator
GEF Small Grants Programme - Malaysia


Nurul Fitrah Mohd Ariffin Marican (Ms)
Programme Assistant
