The seventh Operational Phase (OP7) of the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) in Malaysia
The project aims to build upon the long-standing achievements of SGP in the country, specifically involving strengthening civil society organisations and improving socioeconomic conditions for local communities through implementation of participatory conservation, restoration, and climate change mitigation interventions. Starting in OP7, Malaysia has been included in the Upgraded Country Programme (UCP) of the SGP. With the aim of achieving impacts at scale and ensuring sustainability of results achieved, the programme level strategy of the UCP is based on a landscape approach, following the UNDP approach of community-driven planning and management of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes. The three selected landscapes (Crocker Range Biosphere Reserve in Sabah; Middle and Upper Baram River Basin in Sarawak; and the Klang Valley in Peninsular Malaysia) cover expansive and complex rural and urban geographies. Reaching an estimated 10,000 direct beneficiaries, 50% of whom are women, the project will facilitate community-driven interventions that generate global environmental benefits, including bringing an estimated 43,000 ha under improved management practices to benefit biodiversity, restoring 1,000 ha of degraded ecosystems, and increasing adoption of renewable energy and energy efficient solutions at the community level, resulting in the mitigation of more than 341,500 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions (lifetime direct). The durability of the results achieved will be ensured through implementation of integrated landscape approaches, supported by multi-stakeholder governance platforms that foster enabling partnerships among civil society organisations, national and local government entities, private sector enterprises, and academic-research institutions.
Please check out the Project Document for more information.